Shewolf Marks the Indian Budget 2009

The shewolf has been lying dormant for the last few days. But if the lack of activity had you assuming that the shewolf was gone, and that it was ok to relax, you were wrong. The shewolf knows when to strike, and at whom to strike. The budget is the most important issue in the minds of all Indians, and who better to use as a metaphorical paw to strike terror than the most important man-of-the-moment Pranab Mukherjee. The security of the Finance Minister was compromised with the She-wolf leaving an impression of her paw on his briefcase. Mukherjee had his heart in his throat when an onlooker pointed out at the paw. Whether this could affect the confidence of the minister, and the way he delivers his budget in the eyes of millions of onlookers… remains to be seen.
Shewolf's presence at budget


  1. actully she wolf shuldaa rather ransacked mukheerjee and his bloody budget!!!

    • She-Wolf has a mind of her own or else we could have thought about it. Have you seen her anywhere else in India?

  2. shewolf has nothin better to do?

    • Maybe, she has loads of time on hand to find you and make you her next victim!

  3. well then am waiting for her to catch me!!!!

    • The wait is possibly over… The identity of shewolf can now be revealed! Just participate in this ‘Cool Game’ and reveal the beast’s true identity. Cool Fan Freebies also to be won. Play here –

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